The New York & Michigan Solutions Journalism Collaborative is committed to accuracy, fairness, and completeness in all of its news stories, headlines and captions. When we’re wrong, we say so as soon as possible and fix it. We are ethically bound to promptly correct errors — including but not limited to misstatements, spelling and factual errors, misleading statements and inaccurate quotations — as soon as they are verified on the NYMI SOJO website. 

Our reporters are required to alert their editor to any complaint or error that comes to them and investigate. If a correction is necessary, an editor will post it as soon as possible at the bottom of the story, in italics, and contain the following information:

  • A clear admission of the mistake and the clarification. 
  • Labeled as an “editor’s note,” and acknowledges the story was corrected.

Additionally, all partners distributing collaborative content are alerted to errors and will run appropriate collaborative-issued corrections.Please report any errors by emailing NYMI SOJO editor Monica Williams at or filling out our contact form.